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Delicious and Nutrient-Packed Treat for Summer!

  • Blonde woman in a swimming pool enjoying a Collagene superior collagen supplementby THREE in the summer

Summer is fast upon us, and as the temperatures rise, we all crave something cool and refreshing. What if we told you that you could enjoy delicious popsicles that not only satisfy your taste buds but also deliver essential nutrients to your body? With THREE supplements, Collagène and Éternel, you can create nutrient-packed frozen treats without compromising on the bioavailability or benefits of these powerful ingredients.

The Science Behind Freezing Supplements

When it comes to supplements, many wonder if freezing them might affect their potency or nutrient content. Fortunately, Collagène and Éternel by THREE are formulated using advanced cellular absorption technologies, ensuring that their nutrients remain stable and effective even when frozen.

Why Freeze Collagène and Éternel?

Freezing these supplements into popsicles is a fun and convenient way to enjoy their benefits. Here’s why it works:

  1. Preserves Nutrients: The advanced formulation of Collagène and Éternel ensures that freezing does not degrade their essential nutrients.
  2. Enhances Enjoyment: Turning your daily supplement intake into a tasty treat makes it a fun and easier way to stay consistent with your wellness routine.
  3. Perfect for Summer: Popsicles are a refreshing way to cool down on a hot day while still supporting your body’s needs.
  • Collagène and Éternel by THREE frozen popsicles for a nutritious summer treat

How to Make Collagène and Éternel Popsicles

One of the best things about using Éternel and Collagène to create your summer popsicles is how incredibly easy it is. There’s no need for complicated recipes or additional ingredients unless you want to get creative. Simply take the entire pouch of your chosen liquid supplement and pour it directly into a popsicle mold. Place the mold in the freezer, and in a few hours, you’ll have delicious and nutritious popsicles ready to enjoy. It’s that simple—no extra steps, no mess, just pure, refreshing goodness.

Additionally, if you’re in a hurry or don’t have a popsicle mold on hand, you can place the pouches directly into the freezer. Once frozen, you can enjoy them straight from the pouch for a quick, cool, and convenient treat.

Watch the how-to video on our Instagram page: Watch Now

Elevate Your Summer Treats

Making these nutritious popsicles is already a breeze, but if you’re looking to enhance your frozen delights, here are some creative recipe ideas to inspire you:


- 1 pouch of Collagène or Éternel

- 1 cup of your favorite fruit juice or coconut water

- Fresh fruit pieces (optional)


  1. Mix: In a blender, combine the Collagène or Éternel supplements with your chosen liquid. Blend until well mixed.
  2. Add Fruit: If desired, add fresh fruit pieces into the popsicle molds for added flavor and texture.
  3. Pour: Pour the mixture into popsicle molds, leaving a little space at the top for expansion.
  4. Freeze: Insert popsicle sticks and freeze for at least 4 hours, or until completely frozen.
  5. Enjoy: Once frozen, remove the popsicles from the molds and enjoy a refreshing, nutrient-packed treat!

Benefits of Collagène and Éternel

Collagène is a collagen supplement known for its role in supporting skin vibrancy, joint support, and overall vitality. By incorporating it into your popsicles, you ensure you’re getting your daily dose in a fun and delicious way.

Éternel contains powerful antioxidants that help combat oxidative stress and support cellular health and longevity. Freezing it into popsicles does not diminish its effectiveness, allowing you to enjoy its benefits while cooling off.

Fun Flavor Combinations

Don’t be afraid to get creative with your popsicles! Here are some fun combinations to try:

  1. Berry Blast: Blend Collagène with mixed berry juice and add fresh blueberries and raspberries.
  2. Tropical Delight: Mix Éternel with coconut water and add chunks of pineapple and mango.
  3. Citrus Splash: Combine Collagène with orange juice and add slices of kiwi and strawberries.

Tips for the Perfect Popsicle

  1. Use Fresh Ingredients: Fresh juice and fruits enhance the flavor and nutrient content of your popsicles.
  2. Adjust Sweetness: If you prefer sweeter popsicles, consider adding a touch of honey or agave syrup.
  3. Experiment: Don’t be afraid to try different combinations and find what works best for you.

Stay Cool and Support Your Wellness

This summer, beat the heat with nutrient-packed popsicles made from THREE International’s Collagène and Éternel supplements. These frozen treats are not only delicious but also a convenient way to support your wellness journey. Remember, freezing our supplements does not affect their nutrients or bioavailability, so you can enjoy all their benefits in a refreshing new form. Happy summer and happy freezing!

Link to the popsicle mold shown in the video: Click here


About THREE™

THREE™ has redefined the science of supplementation with cutting-edge cellular absorption technology, ensuring that our products are efficient, effective, and unbeatably bioavailable. Behind our world-leading, advanced delivery products is our scientific community, a team of leaders, led by Dr. Dan Gubler, from across the medical field. Our mission is twofold: improve quality of life through holistic health education and to inform the development of world-leading advanced delivery products. THREE™ is a movement led by Daniel Picou, Founder & CEO, that is changing lives around the world by delivering healthy options to PEOPLE, greater PURPOSE through our caring community, and a dynamic PLATFORM for entrepreneurship. Learn more at: