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Support Your Gut Health with These Three Essential Wellness Supplements

  • Smiling woman holding a container of Imúne supplement by THREE to her gut

Did you know that for every one human cell in your body, there are ten bacterial cells? That’s right, your body is like a bustling metropolis of microbes! This is why maintaining a healthy immune system response is fundamental to overall well-being. Your gut health influences everything from digestion to a healthy immune system response. Incorporating the right supplements into your daily routine can significantly support your gut health. Here, we'll explore three standout wellness supplements—Revíve, Imúne, and Vitalité—and how they contribute to a healthy gut.

Revíve: Renewal and Recovery

Revíve by THREE is designed for renewal and recovery. While most people think about post-workout recovery and easing muscle stiffness, Revíve offers even more. It plays a crucial role in maintaining a balanced inflammatory response in the body. An imbalanced response can disrupt the gut microbiome, leading to the overgrowth of harmful bacteria. By supporting a healthy inflammatory status, Revíve helps to:

  • Fuel Good Gut Bacteria: A balanced inflammatory response creates an environment where beneficial bacteria can thrive, promoting a healthy gut microbiome. 
  • Suppress Harmful Bacteria: By supporting a healthy inflammatory response, Revíve may help with the proliferation of bad bacteria, which can negatively impact the gut.

Incorporating Revíve into your wellness routine can help maintain a balanced gut microbiome, essential for optimal digestive health. 

Imúne: Support the 80% of your immune system that lives in your gut

Did you know that 80% of your immune system resides in your gut? Imúne by THREE is specifically formulated to support a healthy immune system, which directly benefits your gut health. Here’s how Imúne works its magic:

  • Inhibiting Quorum Sensing: Quorum sensing is a communication method used by bad bacteria to coordinate their behavior. By inhibiting this process, Imúne helps support the control of harmful bacteria from thriving and forming biofilms in the gut. 
  • Supporting Adaptive and Innate Immune Systems:Imúne supports both the adaptive and innate immune responses, which help your body quickly recognize threats, and support an overall healthy immune response.

With Imúne, you’re not just supporting your immune system; you’re also fostering a healthy gut environment and promoting overall gut health. 

  • A container of Revíve and Imúne by THREE supplements formulated for gut health

Vitalité: Comprehensive Gut Health Support

Vitalité is a powerhouse multi-vitamin tailored to support gut health through its unique formulation of prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics. This trifecta ensures comprehensive gut health support. Here’s why Vitalité stands out:

  • Gut-Brain Axis Support:Vitalité’s three unique gut health blends are designed to support the gut-brain axis. 
  • 100,000,000 CFUs: With a high count of Colony Forming Units (CFUs), Vitalité ensures that a significant amount of beneficial bacteria reach your gut, enhancing the microbiome’s health. 
  • Pre, Pro, and Postbiotics: Prebiotics provide nourishment for good bacteria, probiotics introduce beneficial bacteria, and postbiotics support the gut lining and overall gut function.

Taking Vitalité daily can support digestion and a balanced gut microbiome, contributing to better overall health. 

The Power Trio: Why Taking Revíve, Imúne, and Vitalité Together is Beneficial

Now, imagine combining the power of Revíve, Imúne, and Vitalité. Individually, these supplements are impressive, but together, they form a powerhouse trio for supporting your gut health. Here’s why taking all three can amplify their benefits: 

  • Synergistic Effects:Revíve, Imúne, and Vitalité work together in harmony to support a balanced and robust gut environment. Revíve’s healthy inflammatory response properties make it easier for Imúne and Vitalité to do their jobs effectively. Which means a healthier environment for good bacteria to thrive. 
  • Comprehensive Support: While Revíve focuses on a healthy inflammatory response, Imúne supports a healthy immune response, and Vitalité provides the essential nutrients and beneficial bacteria your gut needs. This ensures comprehensive support of gut health ensures comprehensive support of your gut health.  
  • Enhanced Gut-Brain Connection:Vitalité’s support for the gut-brain axis combined with Imúne’s immune system support properties can significantly suports overall wellness. Revíve’s contribution to supporting an healthy inflammatory ressponse also plays a role in supporting overall wellbeing. 
  • Optimal Digestion and Nutrient Absorption: By supporting a healthy inflammatory response, supporting a healthy immune system, and providing beneficial bacteria, this trio will help support your digestive system to operate at peak performance. You’ll experience a supported a digestion process, and overall gut function. 
  • Holistic Health: Beyond gut health, the combination of these supplements support natural energy and healthy immune system response. It’s a holistic approach to wellness that starts with a healthy gut. 
  • Vitalité by THREE sitting on a tan background formulated with prebiotics for gut health

A healthy gut is foundational to overall wellness, influencing various aspects of health from supporting healthy digestions to supporting a healthy immune system response. Revíve, Imúne, and Vitalité each offer unique benefits that support gut health. By incorporating these supplements into your daily routine, you can take significant steps towards achieving optimal gut health and, consequently, overall well-being. 

Why settle for just one when you can have the ultimate trio? Embrace the power of Revíve, Imúne, and Vitalité together and experience the profound impact of supported gut health in your life. Say hello to a vibrant, healthy you. Your gut will thank you!

Don’t wait, add Revíve, Imúne, and Vitalité to your daily regimen and start your journey to a supported gut. The benefits go beyond just feeling good; they extend to living your best life every day.


About THREE™

THREE™ has redefined the science of supplementation with cutting-edge cellular absorption technology, ensuring that our products are efficient, effective, and unbeatably bioavailable. Behind our world-leading, advanced delivery products is our scientific community, a team of leaders, led by Dr. Dan Gubler, from across the medical field. Our mission is twofold: improve quality of life through holistic health education and to inform the development of world-leading advanced delivery products. THREE™ is a movement led by Daniel Picou, Founder & CEO, that is changing lives around the world by delivering healthy options to PEOPLE, greater PURPOSE through our caring community, and a dynamic PLATFORM for entrepreneurship. Learn more at: