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What Are Liposomal Supplements—And Should You Make The Switch?

  • Éternel liposomal antioxidant supplement by THREE International

Whether you’re looking to address specific health goals or want to support your overall wellness, you’ve probably given considerable thought to the supplements you take. But have you considered the different forms of supplements available to you?

Some nutrients, such as those found in our supplements Éternel, Purifí, Imúne, and Revíve, are formulated with THREE’s advanced liposomal technology. This unique delivery method can help your body better absorb essential nutrients and deliver them directly to the cells.

Wondering if liposomal supplements are right for you? Let’s dive into what liposomal supplements are, how they work, and why they might be the best choice for your wellness routine.

What Are Liposomal Supplements?

Liposomal supplements utilize liposomes, elegant in their simplicity, are minute spherical vesicles characterized by a lipid bilayer structure reminiscent of cell membranes. These liposomes encapsulate nutrients, forming a bubble to protect them from the harsh environment of the digestive system and ensuring they reach the bloodstream more effectively.

How Do Liposomes Work?

Picture liposomes as choreographers orchestrating a ballet of nutrient delivery within the body. Their simulation of cell membranes allows them to merge seamlessly with the body's natural processes, optimizing the absorption of key nutrients.


Traditional supplements often degrade in the stomach due to acidic conditions. Liposomes protect the nutrients, ensuring they stay intact until they reach the small intestine.

Enhanced Absorption

The structure of liposomes mimics our cell membranes, allowing for easier fusion and delivery of nutrients directly into the cells.


By protecting and efficiently delivering nutrients, liposomes significantly increase the bioavailability of the supplements, meaning your body can utilize more of the active ingredients.

  • Liposome supplement how they work info graphic by THREE International

Benefits of Liposomal Supplements

Improved Nutrient Delivery

The primary advantage of liposomal supplements is their ability to deliver nutrients more efficiently. This means you get more of the essential vitamins and minerals you need.

Reduced Serving Requirements

Because of the enhanced absorption, you often need smaller servings of liposomal supplements compared to traditional forms to achieve the same effect.

Gentle on the Stomach

The protective nature of liposomes reduces the likelihood of gastrointestinal discomfort, making them a great choice for those with sensitive stomachs.

  • Purifi is a liposomal daily detox supplement by THREE International

Should You Make The Switch?

If you’re looking for a way to maximize the benefits of your supplements, switching to liposomal forms might be the answer. Here’s why:

Higher Efficiency

Liposomal supplements ensure that you’re getting the most out of each serving, which can be especially important for those looking to address specific health goals.


With enhanced absorption, you may find that you need to take fewer pills or smaller amounts of liquid, simplifying your supplement routine.

Targeted Health Benefits

At THREE, our liposomal supplements are designed with specific health goals in mind:

  • Éternel: Contains liposomal antioxidants, including Glutathione to neutralize free radicals and reduce oxidative stress.
  • Purifí: Utilizes liposomes to deliver a powerful detox blend, supporting the body’s natural elimination processes.
  • Imúne: Features liposomal vitamins and minerals to support a healthy immune response.
  • Revíve: Combines liposomal curcumin, resveratrol, and other ingredients to support joint health and ease muscle stiffness.

Our Commitment to Absorption

At THREE, we are guided by three fundamental pillars: Exploration, Curation, and Absorption. We believe that the true value of a supplement lies in its ability to be effectively absorbed and utilized by the body. Our innovative delivery technologies, including liposomal delivery, are designed to deliver nutrients at the cellular level for maximum wellness.

Why Choose THREE Liposomal Supplements?


We prioritize sourcing the highest quality ingredients to ensure our supplements are effective and safe.


Our Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) is constantly exploring new ways to enhance nutrient delivery and absorption.


We are committed to providing clear and accurate information about our products and their benefits.

  • Eternel is an advanced blend of liposomal antioxidants and polyphenols supplement by THREE International

Cellular Technologies Beyond Liposomes

While liposomes stand as one of the most well-known delivery systems in optimizing nutrient absorption, they are just one note in a symphony of advanced technologies at THREE. Micronization, enzyme delivery, chelated amino acids, adjuvants, and more contribute to the comprehensive approach we take to elevate cellular absorption. Stay tuned as we delve deeper into these technologies in future discussions.

The Power of Liposomal Supplements in Your Wellness Routine

Every product at THREE is a culmination of extensive research and a commitment to advancing your wellness journey. Our use of liposomes and other cutting-edge technologies reflects a dedication to providing the world with not just supplements, but meticulously crafted solutions designed to unlock the full potential of cellular nutrition. Explore our range of products, including Éternel, Purifí, Imúne, and Revíve, and take the first step towards enhanced wellness today. Visit our science page to learn more about our advancements in delivery technology.


About THREE™

THREE™ has redefined the science of supplementation with cutting-edge cellular absorption technology, ensuring that our products are efficient, effective, and unbeatably bioavailable. Behind our world-leading, advanced delivery products is our scientific community, a team of leaders, led by Dr. Dan Gubler, from across the medical field. Our mission is twofold: improve quality of life through holistic health education and to inform the development of world-leading advanced delivery products. THREE™ is a movement led by Daniel Picou, Founder & CEO, that is changing lives around the world by delivering healthy options to PEOPLE, greater PURPOSE through our caring community, and a dynamic PLATFORM for entrepreneurship. Learn more at: